Spring Store Closure

with 3 Comments

Hello all and welcome again to my site. For the upcoming spring season I am extending notice of a closure that will extend from April 1 to at least the end of April. No, this is not an April fools joke.

My fiance and I are marrying on April 15, we will be away until nearly the end of the month for our honeymoon, and I need the first two weeks of April two close out all of my current orders and continue preparations for the wedding. All of this in mind, I hope to be able to return to work in May. I will update this post as well as the notice at the top of the page as new information is found.

I apologize for any inconveniences this has provided but to best serve any customers current and future this is the action I can take. I will however do my best to answer emails and information requests as they come in over this time.

3 Responses

  1. Harry Elliott
    | Reply

    Congrats Chris. Life is good!

    • Chris
      | Reply


  2. Gary
    | Reply

    Congratulations Chris. Enjoy the time off.

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