Shop Relocation (Update 2)

with 2 Comments

To all my customers, potential, past, and present, I would first like to apologize for what has been an uncharacteristic few months for me. In all circumstances I do my best to maintain quick and concise communication as well as timely delivery on all sales and services. I feel that I have let some down recently, especially in that I have missed more than a few emails. Given that, I would like to explain my situation a bit.

As mentioned in my previous post, I got married this past weekend, that of course was followed up with a honeymoon. While these events are certainly some of the most joyous in my life, there are some additional factors that have hindered my ability to work. Mainly, the owner of the property that I currently rent has decided to sell the property. That has meant that I am faced with moving both my family and my shop. As family comes first, the only option I had was put a considerable amount of my efforts into those relocation efforts.

Here’s the good news. Not only have we found a new place, but we decided to buy it. Not all of the pieces are finalized yet, but we are working on it. It is my hope that having purchased a place will bring added stability and efficiency to my shop. With the new home brings a two car garage. This space is significantly larger than my current work space and I hope to be able to take advantage of it to its fullest. One thing is for certain, there won’t be any cars parked in this space. It will serve as my shop 100% of the time.

Now for the bad news. The move will commence in May. We have to be out of current place by June 1. I hope to get the shop open as quickly as possible, but it could be as late as July before I am fully back on line. I will update here as the process unfolds. In the meantime, thank you to all who have contacted to me and worked with me over this very busy time.

Update: Everything is going to plan, or at least close to plan on the move. The closing will be the 19th of May. I road by the new house (and shop) the other day, I’m very excited for the new expanded work space!


Update 2: We are nearly moved out of our current home/shop and into the new one. There are a number of minor items from the shop that are yet to be moved. Once that is complete I will start focusing on getting the shop operation again. I hope to hire somebody part time to work with shocks for me. I think this will greatly reduce delivery times for all orders. It will also allow me to focus on a few of my other projects, specifically my in house designed and manufactured damper.


2 Responses

  1. mark bailey
    | Reply

    well done with the house and hope the move goes well, I sent you a query re shocks a few weeks ago so i’m not expecting to hear from you for a while yet. i’ll get back to you sometime in july
    in the meantime enjoy
    cheers, spotty

    • Chris
      | Reply

      Thanks, Spotty! Looking at closing on the house this month. Getting ready to move before June!

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