Quick Update – The State of Things

with 2 Comments
GT750 Billet Water Pump Gear
GT750 Billet Aluminum Water Pump Gear

Yes, I am here. People have been asking me that question for years. I am a one man band and I don’t always get back to people quickly, but rest assured I am here. I haven’t stopped, in fact I have been just about flat out making parts and building shocks. The good news is that my services continue to do well and I am still pushing hard to make more things and expand my services. It’s a tough road, but exciting and fun things keep happening!

The bad news, well my supply chain is basically destroyed. With the pandemic things are tough (for everybody not just me), and it is only made tougher considering I can’t really afford the time to chase down leads and source materials like somebody that runs a business full time (because I have a full time day job). I have had supplies that normally took 7 days take 3 months. Yes, it is that bad.

So, where to go from here? Hopefully the supply chain improves soon, it is seeming likely. Beyond that, I will continue to push forward the things I can directly control. What else is there to do?

In summary, I’ll hang in there if you guys continue to hang in there. With spring upon us, summer not too far off, motorcycle and racing season is looming. Things are looking good! So let’s have fun!

2 Responses

  1. Stephen Miller
    | Reply

    Hey Chris!
    Happy to hear you’re still pluggin along! I recently bought an rfy rebuild service and wanted to make sure you’re all set as far as supplies go, as well as where to ship them to. Stay safe!


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