Broccoli Samurai, the opening act, certainly could be blamed for warming the place up. Not only did Broccoli Samurai throw down a solid set comprised of originals, they tossed in a cover of Wax from Lotus. To finish off, Broccoli Samurai laid the crowd out by covering the Beverly Hills Cop theme. I assure you, everybody fell for the banana in the tailpipe.
As Boombox rolled out, the crowd thickened, and they started out in their typically laid back nature. The bass spooled up, they fed in some guitar here and there, and after about five our six minutes of tickling they ratcheted in to Who Killed Davey Moore. The scene forms around Boombox is always a unique one. As the bass throbs and the guitar feeds in, one-by-one the crowd turns wild.
As the show progressed the volume and intensity seemed to climb alway the way until the shows conclusion. Headchange, Round and Round, Hear the Sound, and Boogie Man all hit the speakers and pleased the crowd. They also pumped out In the forest as well as numerous others. The set played for around two hours and had there been carpet on that floor it would have been torn up by an attendance that couldn’t keep their legs still.
Overall the show was energetic and fun. The crowd was in good spirits before the show and once the music started it was smiles in every direction. Boombox plays a fairly broken down and simplistic style of music that infects the slowly and surely. If you haven’t already, I encourage you to give these guys a listen, or better yet, get yourself some tickets and see them live. In my opinion, they put on one of the grooviest and most smile inducing shows on the scene right now.
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